Conference Tracks
Together, we will address the pressing challenges in energy sustainability, efficiency, and resiliency, driving forward the innovations that will shape the future of our clean energy systems. Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit original papers with contributions to technology and methods, mathematical modeling, applications and field tests, social and environmental impacts, and/or policy, in one of the following areas:
- Renewable Energy Resources
- Distributed Energy Resources
- Electrification of Transportation
- Hydrogen-based Energy Systems
- Grid Integration of Small Modular Reactor Technologies
- Integrated Energy Systems
- Demand Response
- Load Electrification and Smart Control
- Active Distribution Networks
- AI and ML Applications in Smart Grids
- Cybersecurity in Smart Grids
- Transactive Energy Systems
- Advancements in DC Grids
- Resiliency in Smart Grids
- Net-Zero Grid Policies and Regulations
- Energy Storage Systems
- DSO-TSO Coordination Schemes
Papers should be submitted via EDAS. Prospective authors should prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the standard IEEE camera-ready format (double column, 10-pt font) as well as the requirement set in EDAS. The maximum length of an EPEC paper without over-length charge is FIVE (5) pages. Authors are allowed to pay for up to TWO (2) additional pages with over length charge. Submitted papers must not have been previously published in or under consideration for publication in another journal or conference. The organizing committee of EPEC 2025 reserves the right not to review papers that either exceed the length limit or have been submitted or published elsewhere.
All submitted papers will be reviewed by the TPC team and judged on originality, technical correctness, relevance and quality of presentation. An accepted paper must be presented at the conference. All accepted papers of EPEC, after being presented onsite at the conference, will be included in the conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.